
Degree of MS

A Study of the Efficacy of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology in the diagnosis and management of Solitary Thyroid Nodules

Degree of MCh

Monocortical miniplate osteosynthesis in the treatment of Mandibular fractures

Teaching & Academia 

Hon Prof of Surgery, University of Craiova, Romania

Associate Dean (S), Defence Deanery

Senior Clinical Lecturer (Clinical)                                   Southampton University Faculty of Medicine


Senior Clinical Lecturer (Academic)                                       Portsmouth University

MBBS Examiner, Southampton University Medical School

OSCE examinations

Intercollegiate Specialty Board Examiner

FRCS (Plastic Surgery) Exit Exams

BSSH Hand Diploma Examiner

European Hand Diploma Examiner

European Board of Plastic Surgery Examiner

New Entrants Selection Committee -

Southampton Medical School 

MDHU(Pm), FBB and RHH Education and Research Committee

RAF representative

Burns Understanding Resuscitation Nursing & Surgery (BURNS)

Devised the course for teaching in developing countries 


       Instructor and Faculty 

  • BATLS (British Army Trauma Life Support)
  • Military Operative Surgical Training Course
  • Emergency Management of Severe Burns Course (EMSB) Armed Forces and Civilian Facilitator and Instructor
  • European Paediatric Life Support Course (EPALS)
  • SPEARS (Surgical Paediatric Emergency Assessment and Resuscitation for Surgeons)

Journal Reviewer

  • Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (JPRAS UK)
  • Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
  • Indian Journal of Burns Surgery


  • Operation Smile                                             Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Director of Quality Assurance(2010-2015)
  • Swinfen Trust                                                     Volunteer Consultant

Ankur Pandya delivering lecture at University of Southampton 

Ankur Pandya delivering lecture at International Head and Neck Conference, Turner Sims, Southampton

Operation Smile Surgical Team Leader, Ankur Pandya with an operated happy cleft lip patient, on a mission in Guwahati, Assam, India