- Creeping anaesthesia for Nasal Surgery...a relatively painless technique
European Journal of Plastic Surgery - Ms. No. EJPS-D-10-00157 Harb A, Bayne D, Pandya AN
Accepted for publication)
- Reconstruction of the burnt perionychium: literature review and treatment algorithm - JBCR-D-10-00269 Goutos I, Jennings C, Pandya AN
- Cluster Bomb Injuries in South Lebanon (2006 – 2009): The Role of the Plastic Surgeon Harb A, Harb Z, Pandya AN
- Mustard gas testing in British Army soldiers and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: a case report and discussion A Harb, A R Sawyer, Pandya AN
- Primus stove burns: literature review and report of long term sequelae in rural India
McGlone E, Goutous I, Nelson R, Francis S. Kim, Indranil Sinha, Sunil Keswani, James F. Watkins, Pandya AN(Submitted to Burns)
- International burn reconstruction: lessons learned from an inaugural mission to Mumbai, India and future directions
Rebecca A. Nelson, Francis S. Kim, Indranil Sinha, Sunil Keswani, James F. Watkins, Pandya AN (Submitted to Burns) Feb 2010
- Inappropriate intervention following acute burns leads to a higher morbidity in lower socioeconomic class patients in Mumbai, India
Francis S. Kim, Indranil Sinha, Anup Patel, Rebecca A. Nelson, Sunil Keswani, James F. Watkins Pandya AN(Submitted to Journal of Burns Care and Research) Feb 2010
- Patient Satisfaction Following Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction And Tattooing
Goh SCJ, Martin NA, Pandya AN and Cutress RI
(Submitted to JPRAS Feb 2010)
- Erythromycin Extravasation Mimicking Necrotising Fasciitis in the Infant
A Harb, Sawyer AR, Pandya AN
European Journal of Plastic Surgery (Accepted for publication Jan 2010)
- Avoiding Sutured Tie-Overs on the Nasal Dorsum
A Harb, Pandya AN
Plastic Surgery International
Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 958213, 2 pages
- Pyrotechnic Signal Flare ('Miniflare') Injuries.
Martin NAJ, Macleod BMG, Pandya AN, Smith JE and Rickard RF
JR Army Med Corps. 2009;155(3):197-199
- Prop forward neck lumps revisited
Bayne D, Combe J, Pandya AN (6 February 2007)
British Journal of Sports Medicine Online
- The Periareolar Benelli Mastopexy approach in the surgical treatment of Type II/III Gynaecomastia
Abstract. J Roy. Army Med Corps (2006) 152;1; 41
Bayne D, Combe J, Pandya AN
- Post Traumatic Nuchal Fibrolipmata,…..a cause specific cosmetic defect
JPRAS (Accepted for publication)
Combe J, Bayne D, Whitaker , Pandya AN
- Post Traumatic Nuchal Fibrolipmata,…..a cause specific cosmetic defect
Abstract. J Roy. Army Med Corps (2006) 152;1; 41-42
Combe J, Bayne D, Whitaker , Pandya AN
- Low-cost, single-use breast sizing for augmentation mammaplasty.
Br J Plast Surg. 2004 Jul;57(5):480-1
Vaingankar N; Pandya, AN; Grant, I; James NK
- End-to-side venous anastomoses - a patency test.
Br J Plast Surg. 2003 Dec;56(8):810-811.
Pandya AN, Vaingankar N, Grant I, James NK
- An Audit into two determinants of the efficacy of emergency care – Fasting Times and Injury to Theatre time. Journal of Clinical Governance, 2003, Vol. 8(2)
Pandya, AN., Grant I., Vaingankar N., Human M., Huang S., Waters M., James NK
- The efficacy of Mefix v/s Kaltostat as an SSG donor dressing
Br J Plast Surg. 2003 Jul;56(5):498-503.
Hombrey E; Pandya AN; Giele H
- Tissue Expansion in the Limbs: A comparative analysis of limb and non-limb sites. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 55(4):302-306
Pandya AN; Vadodaria S; Coleman DJ
- Capsule within a capsule….an unusual entity
British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002, 55(5):455
Pandya, AN., Dickson MG
- The re-attachment of tendon and ligament avulsions
Journal of Hand Surgery, 2002, 27(4): 337-341
Ian Grant, Pandya AN, P J Mahaffey
- Failure To Thrive (FTT) in Babies with Cleft Lip and Palate
British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2001, 54: 471-475
Pandya, AN., Boorman JG
- Prevention of the Parrot Beak Deformity in fingertip injuries
Hand Surgery, Vol.6, No.2, March 2001
Pandya, AN., Giele, H
- Rhinophyma – a modified electroshave technique
British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2001, 54: 322-325
Humzah, MD, Pandya, AN
- Minerva, The Misdiagnosis of Ophthalmic Herpes Zoster
The British Medical Journal, 2001; (7293); 1072.
Grant, I., Pandya, AN., Dickson, MG
- Surgery for Burns Contractures;
Repair and Reconstruction 2001:Vol.2: 2: 12-13
Pandya, AN
- Electrical Burn Injuries
Repair and Reconstruction- 2001:Vol.2:2:10-12
Vaingankar, N., Grant, I., Pandya, AN
- Centro-central union for prevention of neuroma formation after digital amputation;
Journal of Hand Surgery; 25(B): 2:154 – 159; 2000
Belcher, HJCR, Pandya, AN
- Drain Fixation made foolproof
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2000:82:290 - 292
Hormbrey, E ., Pandya, AN.; Humzah, MD.
- The use of Autologous Cultured Keratinocytes in conjunction with Integra in the resurfacing of acute burns; Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1998; 102; 825-828
Pandya, AN., Woodward, B., Parkhouse, N
- The Chevron Technique for Skin Markings in Syndactyly Release;
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1998; 101; 808-809
Pandya, AN., Belcher, HJCR
- Refinement of Nipple Areolar Placement in Breast Surgery;
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1998; 101; 806-807
Pandya, AN., Arnstein, PM
- Umbilical Transillumination - An accurate means to diagnose minimal ascites associated with umbilical hernias; J. Assocn, Phy. Ind, 1991;.39; 311-312.
Pandya, AN., Buch, HG., Shilotri, PP
- Atypical presentation of Amebic liver Abscess (A Study of 275 cases); B.H.J.,1991; 33 ; 22-25
Shilotri, PP., Pandya, AN., Mehta, PJ
- The Efficacy of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in the diagnosis of cold, solitary thyroid nodules (A prospective study of 90 cases);. B.H.J., 1991; 33; 45-49
Pandya, AN., Shilotri, PP., Trivedi, DR., Buch, HG